Sunday, March 26, 2006

Creating An Internet Profile or Presence

One of the key characteristics of effective internet marketers is their capacity to create a profile or presence on the Internet.

If you think of the leaders in the field of elearning and flexible learning, they are typically people who have created a profile - whether as the digital story guru, the podcast specialist, the blog/wiki expert or some other profile.

They have made their expertise known through their websites, blogs, wikis, forums, conference papers, articles, reviews of tools/software and their case studies.

This is how they become known and are able to sell their courses, ebooks and other services (and those of their organisation or Institute).

We may have a natural reluctance to be "out there", but an internet profile or presence is critical to internet marketing.

I have written a number of articles recently in this area that you may find useful. It may be helpful to substitute "internet marketing" for "affiliate marketing" in these articles:

6 Great Reasons To Build An Internet Profile

How to Smash the Glass Ceiling

Leverage Your Writing


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