Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Teleconferencing resources - paid and free telebridges

A number of participants in the PfP Network
have asked me about the teleconferencing
service that I have used for facilitating
group discussions with people who are
geographically dispersed.

Basically, I have used telebridges
in a number of locations, including those in
some TAFE Institutes around Australia.

Telebridges are easy to set up and can be
a low cost option. Access to a telephone is
all that is required in terms of equipment.
All callers dial into the same telephone number
(the bridge) and are automatically connected
to each other.

Bridges do not require an operator but may
require a PIN number. They usually require
booking in advance.

I have been using a telebridge in the US which
I have access to through Browyn Buck at a cost
of AU$30 for an hour. Bronwyn is willing to
provide access for the same rate to PfP Network
members. Please email me if you want Bronwyn's
contact details.

Since this telebridge is in the US, all
participants will need a phonecard with low phone
rates to access the bridge. I have been using
Daybreak lately and have also used
RateSaver. Most cards can be purchased
at the local "corner" store. With Daybreak, which
has low connect costs and a low rate per minute,
I can participate in a one hour teleconference in
the US for under AU$2.

FREE Teleconference Facility

I recently came across a FREE teleconference option
through the search engine, BigDaddy. If you join
BigDaddy, you get access to a free teleconference
facility for up to 25 people at a time. There is
no need to pre-book. You receive an access code and
PIN which you can give to your course/class
participants to access the facility. You can access
the facility at any time for any for any length of time.

You and your participants will still need a phonecard
to gain cheap access to the facility in the US.

Click here for the free teleconference facility.

Note: This page will take you to an advertising
page asking you to sign up for a free account.
With the SearchBigDaddy free account you get
access to your own teleconference room, plus $50
in pay per click advertising, a search portal,
and top keyword position to advertise your program(s).

Once you have joined BigDaddy, the teleconference
facility is accessible through the affiliate menu
on the left of the page.

Teleconference Protocols

Telebridge Teleconferencing, which also provides
paid teleconferencing services in the US, has
drawn up a set of protocols for teleconferences/

These are useful guidelines (including the ones
about what to do with your dog and heavy breathers):
to access these guidelines.

(Note: the frequently asked questions page, accessible
via the menu at the bottom of the website, is very


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