Mobile learning: research, case studies and guidelines
I have created a number of posts on my Online Learning and Teaching blog that provide a range of resources in the area mLearning (mobile learning).
The postings are:
- TxT Me: Supporting disengaged youth using mobile technologies (report of a case study plus recommendations report)
- Hand-Held Devices in the Classroom (a great resource data base)
- The Handheld Classroom: Educational Implications of Mobile Technology (research paper with projects, issues and the potential future of mLearning)
- Enabling Mobile Learning (uses, lessons and trends in education)
- M-learning and the new students' thinking (for teachers in schools especially)
mLearning: Doing the unthinkable and reaching the unreachable by Tom Brown, University of Pretoria, South Africa - 2005 Conference presentation on mLearning in rural Africa - this is an eye-opening, entertaining and enlightening presentation!!