Sunday, March 26, 2006

Creating An Internet Profile or Presence

One of the key characteristics of effective internet marketers is their capacity to create a profile or presence on the Internet.

If you think of the leaders in the field of elearning and flexible learning, they are typically people who have created a profile - whether as the digital story guru, the podcast specialist, the blog/wiki expert or some other profile.

They have made their expertise known through their websites, blogs, wikis, forums, conference papers, articles, reviews of tools/software and their case studies.

This is how they become known and are able to sell their courses, ebooks and other services (and those of their organisation or Institute).

We may have a natural reluctance to be "out there", but an internet profile or presence is critical to internet marketing.

I have written a number of articles recently in this area that you may find useful. It may be helpful to substitute "internet marketing" for "affiliate marketing" in these articles:

6 Great Reasons To Build An Internet Profile

How to Smash the Glass Ceiling

Leverage Your Writing

Step-by-step videos: How To Create An Internet Marketing Website

Ultimate Website Videos: Step-By-Step Videos Reveal How You Can Start And Profit From Your Own Websites Today!

This free series of videos is provided by Ewen Chia, creator of the Secret Affiliate Weapon.

The video tutorial package is worth $427.00

These video tutorials will show you how to start and profit from your own website. There’re a total of 17 video ebooks containing hundred of hours of step-by-step ‘how to’ videos in this 4-module package.

Here’s a list of what you’ll receive:

Module #1: Website Design Videos

Module #2: Website Tune-Up Videos

Module #3: Website Conversion Videos

Module #4: Website Traffic Videos

Download Your Free Copy Now

NOTE: The initial ebook (pdf file) is 148KB. The actual unzipped version of the download file with the 17 videos is 15.5 MB. If you have a slow connection or limited memory capacity, the size of this file may present problems.

These videos could also be used as an education tool.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Internet marketing and online learning: viral articles

There is increasing discussion lately about the integration of ebusiness and elearning.

In my travels around Australia I have observed that the VET sector has one key strategic weakness - a general lack of knowledge of internet marketing (despite producing world-class elearning products).

I have seen leading edge, collaborative, curriculum development centres shut down because of a lack of funding. Yet, global marketing of the elearning education products could have produced enough revenue to maintain and grow such centres. E-learning removes physical barriers and makes the global market accessible - but, you still have to let people know what you have to offer.

One of the major internet marketing techniques that has emerged over the last few years is the use of viral articles.

The concept is that you write articles about your focal area and place them on your website/blog and as well submit them to article directories (of which there are about 400, with more starting every day!). Here's an example of an article directory:

People visit the directories looking for articles on various topics and some include them in their ezines or email them to friends, and the recipients, in turn, repeat the process...and so you have viral marketing in train that costs nothing and lasts for years. Some of the world's leading internet marketers have used this strategy for many years.

Key features of these articles are:
  • usually about 500-1000 words in length
  • do not include web links within the article
  • focused on one key theme/sub-theme
  • provide information for consumers/students - not hard sell

Each article contains a resource box at the end which provides information about the author and a call to action (e.g. visit my site, subscribe to my newsletter, request more information, etc) and a hot link to your website/blog. Here's some editorial guidelines which represent fairly common practice amongst article directories:

There are other significant marketing benefits that accrue from writing and submitting articles. If you set them up right, they can help to increase the Google page ranking for your website/blog. If you include a link to your website or blog and submit your articles to directories, you will have an external link from the directory back to your website/blog. Many of the article directories have high page rankings in Google and Yahoo because they are content-rich sites. External links to your site from these highly ranked sites helps to boost your own site's ranking. If you store the articles on your own site, this too can increase your site's ranking as well as assist your students.

Articles can also help to put you at the top of Google's listings for searches on your relevant keywords.

For example, I have created a blog to focus on affiliate marketing and offer my services as an affiliate marketing coach:

When I submit my articles to directories, they in turn submit them to the search engines. I also submit my blog to search engines, blog directories and RSS directories.

If you search Google for the keyword term, "affiliate marketing coach", usually at least three of the first 10 listings on page one, will point back to my blog or one of my articles. Some links will be from article directories, while others will come from blog directories. At the time of writing this posting, five of the top ten Google listings (of 2,500,000 listings) for the term, "affiliate marketing coach", link back to my blog or one of my articles.

The secret, however, is the way you incorporate the chosen keyword in your articles and your site. For example, my keyword "affiliate marketing coach" is:
  • the title of my blog
  • in the URL address of my blog
  • in the resource box of all my articles (e.g. "Ron Passfield, Phd, affiliate marketing coach, ...")
Owners of article directories will ask you for the title of your website/blog, the URL and provide you with the opportunity to write a brief resource box in your article. So the secret is to have "all roads pointing to...your keyword".

When you write articles and publish them on your site and in directories, you create credibility for yourself, your courses and your organisation. You also enhance your personal profile - but that's another story/posting!

If you are reticent to start writing articles, you might like to read my article:
Activate Your Chakras to Improve Your Article Writing

2006 E-Learning Networks Community Forum

There is an active group forming in the General Forum of the 2006 Networks Community (an EdNA Group).

The group is up to the "introduce yourself" stage but already there is evidence of a rich lode of resource people covering areas such as literacy, e-assessment, Janison vs WebCT vs Blackboard, as well as a number of people engaged in online delivery of the Certificate IV in TAA.

It might be a good time to join this group and link up with other people Australia-wide who are working on areas that you are interested in. You need to register and you do so by going directly to the General Forum page where the current major discussion is under the topic, "A Very Warm Welcome" (how apt!):

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Literacy Resources

I understand that 2006 is the Year of Literacy.

So I have decided to focus this week's posts on the literacy theme.

If you visit my online learning and teaching blog, you will find the following posts:

  • Literacy Exchange - World Resources on Literacy
  • Literacy, Learning and ICT - Research, resources and software
  • Literacy Activities and Resources - Schools
  • Literacy Site - Fiction and Narrative - Online Picture Books
  • Literacy Live - Edna Groups
  • Self-Directed Learning and Adult Literacy Resources
  • Directory of Online Resources About Information Literacy
  • E-learning and Literacy: Woodland Grange Primary School

    You can access any of the items above by visiting the blog at: